I. Pets: Pets are by approval only. No pets are to roam the property without direct owner supervision. Rabies vaccinations are required where applicable. Dogs should be on heartworm preventitive medication. No pet is to be a nuisance to other residents. Excrement is to be properly disposed of.

II. Nature: Wild animals are not to be molested unless otherwise specified. Skunks,abandoned or feral dogs and cats, and any nuisance wildlife are to be trapped and surrendered to animal control or a suitable home found for them.

III. Garden: Designate the area you wish to garden. Do not use poisons. Mulch and compost. Do not partake of the fruits of others unless invited to do so.

IV, Noise: Please respect the rights of those who do not wish to listen to your music by not broadcasting it. Minimize drama.

V. Garbage: Please recycle where possible. Dispose of garbage in the proper area.

VI. Smoking: Please do not smoke inside the units or in public places. Properly dispose of cigarette butts. The world is not your ash tray.

VII. Light: Only motion detector lights are to be left on at night. Please respect everyone's right to view the splendor of the Milky Way without the interference from unnatural lights.

VIII. Golden Rule: Treat others as you wish to be treated.

IX. Wildlife Refuge: Pets only on leash. No hunting. No motorized vehicles. Stay on the trails or in designated areas.

X. Equipment: If you use any community equipment, please return it in as good or better condition as found.